

As the Provincial Library of South Tyrol, it is our responsibility to collect writings and works by South Tyrolean authors and publications that have appeared in South Tyrol or relate to South Tyrol and have been published outside the province. In our Teßmann in myArgo online catalogue you will find all Tirolensien (Tyrol-related) writings with the aid of faceted search.
We have also compiled a selection of new Tirolensien publications: these provide an overview of current book and media productions on the subject of South Tyrol and a general view of the most important publications of past years. You can access the list of all selected Tirolensien works via this link.
Selected Tirolensien works from the last 30 days
Smart bis zum Sarg
Ob und wie lange man fit im Gehirn bleibt, ist das Ergebnis unseres Lebensstils und einiger ...
Plagg, Barbara

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Rosis Gartenglück
Das Einmaleins des Bio-GartensFür die Bäuerin und Gärtnerin Rosi Mangger Walder ist klar: Im Garten ...
Mangger Walder, Rosi

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Die letzte Mutter
Elsa und Livio Berton leben mit ihrem Sohn Martino in Bozen. Nach außen hin sind sie eine normale ...
Boschetti, Alex

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Serving the customer
This book examines key aspects of selling and the sale of goods and services in B2C and B2B. ...

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SS Daughter.
This book is the life story of Marlena Berlin. Only the names have been changed (including her ...
Berlin, Marlena

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36 Einträge auf 8 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-5 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 »